Our Commitment to You 

Whilst we may not provide all the component parts of our service ourselves, we will liaise with our suppliers to ensure that any problems with their services are resolved promptly. 
We are committed to providing you with the highest quality of customer service. When we purchase our services from wholesale provider(s), we choose those providers carefully to ensure that you get a high quality service. We make every reasonable effort to supply services that satisfy your requirements . We work to all relevant laws and regulations. 
Please contact our Customer Service Team or your Account Manager. They are available Monday to Friday between the hours of 09.00 and 17.30 by: 
Telephone 03330343775 
Email support@cicigroup.co.uk 
Web www.cicigroup.co.uk 
CICI Group, 10 Kirby Road, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8DE 
Details of those specific conditions relating to your services are set out in the documentation provided when you first subscribed to our services and on our website below. Click to read: 
You should note that these terms and conditions are specific to the service being supplied and, for example, those mobile services may vary from those for data services. If you are unsure about which terms and conditions apply to your contract, please contact our Customer Relations Team on 03330343775. 
In the unlikely event that you wish to cancel the service we provide, you should write to us or email us at the address above telling us what you wish to cancel and when you wish it to be effective. There may be a charge for early termination of your contract and this will be explained to you. Early termination charges are also set down in your Terms and Conditions documentation. 
If you have a complaint, please contact your Account Manager on 03330343775 or email service@cicigroup.co.uk. Our advisors will ask you about your complaint and seek to resolve the problem while you are on the line. If this is possible, we will agree on a course of action with you. 
You may also send your complaint in writing to us at: 10 Kirby Road, Glenfield, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE3 8DE. 
Or via an Email enquiry to service@cicigroup.co.uk. During any discussions we will protect the privacy of the information that we hold on you. We may have to ask questions to confirm that we are speaking to the right person. 
If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction after this procedure, you can escalate the complaint to our Customer Relations Manager, and then ultimately the Managing Director. 
If we cannot resolve the problem, then we will write to you to say so. If you remain unhappy and wish to pursue your complaint further by alternative dispute resolution, you may wish to refer to the Ombudsman Services Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme which can be found at https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/communications. 
(Please note that you will find us under the registered name of CICI Communications Ltd) 
Because there are so many different rates that depend upon usage volumes and other separately negotiated criteria, and the charges in tariffs are being updated constantly, it is not possible to publish a standard set of rates that would apply to all customers. 
Your own particular tariff can be obtained by emailing our Customer Relation Team on service@cicigroup.co.uk 
If you experience a fault with any of our services please call our Customer Service Team on 03330343775
Our service provision to you is dependent upon the continued operation of the major networks, in particular Openreach. If service is lost for any reason we will claim compensation on your behalf at the scales appropriate to your particular network. 
Bills are usually sent on a monthly basis, but we may send you a bill at any time. Terms of payment will be detailed in our terms and conditions. Payment will be collected either by Direct Debit, cheque or BACS. If you wish to change your method of payment at any time please contact our Account Department on 03330343775
If you are having difficulty paying your bill, please contact our Accounts Department on 03330343775 and we will try to arrange a different method of payment. We will do all we can to help our customers to manage their bills and avoid disconnection.